Horizontal and Vertical mounted motors with Cast Iron body construction. Power ranging from 0.37 KW TO 315 KW, frame size 71 to 355, TEFC, IP55. With a wide range of voltages up to 460 V for 60 Hz and is available in 2,4,6 and 8 poles.
The MDA PA series pumps fully confirm to European pump standard DIN24255/BS EN733 and cover all sizes nominated. This standard covers both performance and dimensions.-
Vertical Hollow Shaft (VHS) Motor with Cast Iron body construction. Power ranging from 7.5 HP to 250 HP, WP-1, IP55. With a wide range of voltages up to 460 V for 60 Hz and available in 2 and 4 poles.
MDA potable water tank series provide a high hygienic standard to its users. The membrane used inside the MDA Tanks corresponds to all European Union and USA potable water hygienic standards and all the membranes are made in Italy completely. Furthermore, the only point where the water touches the tank, inlet-outlet, is the flange cover and connector which are made of stainless steel or electro galvanized.